
(NL, 1959)

out of the woods

Rarely do I walk, without purpose and through nature. But when I did, because of love, I was touched.

I saw the most wonderful combinations of proud, powerful trees with here and there horizontal scattered unevenly lying felled trees and branches. What hit me while photographing was the feeling of protection. The dead forest seems to be embraced by the living forest. The trees stand like sentinels around their dead friends. Their fallen friends. Felled by storm or disease, lying between their healthy friends and family. In pieces, sometimes whole and sometimes in practical pieces dug up and abandoned by man. But, in my eyes, always lovingly surrounded and sheltered.

I am well aware that the natural decomposition process of nature is, in this case, a lot less romantic than I sketch above but still I, as a non-nature-loving forest walker, was struck by the obvious sense of protection I experienced during these walks. Once printed in solid black and white, there was an irrepressible urge to add color to the images. But anything but 'appropriate' colors.